Well-worn Interiors

Do you love these interiors? I do! They have something nostalgic…

Interiors with a soul. They tell a story…They are well-worn.


Foto 1

image scanned "The Well-Worn Interior Robin Forster and Tim Wittaker

image source unknown

image : http://www.trouvais.com/

Foto 6

image scanned “Paint and Colour in Decoration” Farrow & Ball

Foto 5

image scanned “The Well-Worn Interior” Robin Forster and Tim Wittaker

Foto 3

image source unkown

Foto 4

image source unknown

Foto 11

image source unknown

Foto 7

Foto 15

image http://www.trouvais.com/

Foto 13

image http://www.trouvais.com/

Foto 9

image http://www.garnier.be/

